Painting with Goats

FRIDAY, APRIL 28 | 6PM presents: Painting with Goats!
This event will bring tons of smiles, laughs, creativity and FUN!
Painting on Canvas……All Painting supplies are included.
$60 per person
Preregistration is required + spots are limited.
All ages are welcome!
→ Click HERE to register !
- Let’s be clear….the goats will not be painting…you will be painting WITH GOATS! This means that you will have tons of extremely adorable baby goats around you while you paint. You will be allowed to pet them, cuddle them, snuggle them, love them, feed them, and use them as inspiration for your painted masterpiece!
- This event will be outside on the patio… please dress for the weather.
- As always, please stay home if you are sick.
***Afterwards (or perhaps during), please join us in the tasting room to peruse our delicious draft selection. We have several styles to chose from (IPA’s, LAGERS, SOURS, you get the idea..something for everyone).
** Craft NA beverages will be on hand for those who do not drink !